153 results

  • SDN Publishing Grant 2025


    The Swiss Design Network (SDN) fosters discourse and debate on design research in Switzerland and contributes to its dissemination abroad.

  • SDN Project Grant 2025


    The Swiss Design Network (SDN) provides direct support to research projects and actively participates in the research discourse on both national and international levels.

  • The British Academy: International Fellowships 2025


    The International Fellowships Programme enables researchers to work for two years at a UK institution with the aim of building a globally connected, mobile research and innovation workforce.

    The programme provides support for outstanding early career researchers to make a first step towards developing an independent research career through gaining experience across international borders. Each award is expected to involve a specific and protected research focus with the award holder undertaking high quality, original research.

  • SNSF/Innosuisse – BRIDGE Discovery


    BRIDGE Discovery is aimed at experienced researchers for basic as well as applied research in order to realise the innovation potential of research findings. It allows the researchers to forge ahead with their vision during the critical precompetitive phase.
  • Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) Research Fellowship


    Die Promovierendenförderung des Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerks richtet sich an fachlich ausgewiesene Promovierende aller Disziplinen, außer Medizin, die sich am Anfang einer Individualpromotion befinden.
  • SNSF Project funding


    With its project funding scheme, the Swiss National Science Foundation enables researchers to independently conduct research projects with topics and goals of their own choice.
  • SNSF – Lead Agency-Process


    The Lead Agency process allows researchers in Switzerland and a partner country to submit a joint research proposal to either of the two national funding organisations.
  • SNSF – Weave


    In the Weave funding scheme, researchers from two to three European countries submit a joint proposal to one of the funding organisations involved.
  • IKEA Foundation Switzerland


    The Ikea Foundation Switzerland has supported the discussion between the practical and the theoretical with trend-setting tasks in the sectors of architecture, design and arts and crafts for more than four decades. The foundation is pursuing this objective by providing grants to young talented designers from Switzerland who wish to follow a further education programme abroad. The foundation also awards financial grants to projects.



    Projects in the fields of renewable energy and energy and resource efficiency promotion in developing and transition countries can apply for funding by REPIC.
  • DIZH – Rapid Action Call


    Smart Spaces – Digital basierte Lösungen für Wohn-, Kultur-, Arbeits- und Bildungsräume.
  • Temperatio-Stiftung


    Die Stiftung Temperatio unterstützt Projekte aus den Bereichen Ökologie, Soziales und Kultur. Temperatio legt grossen Wert auf einen pragmatischen Ansatz, vernetztes Denken, gut umsetzbare Ziele und eine konkrete und nachhaltige Wirkung. Diese Wirkung kann sowohl auf der praktischen wie auch der ideellen Ebene erzielt werden, wie z.B. durch Bildungs- und Informationsprojekte.
  • VKKS – Förderpreis Kunstwissenschaft


    Die Vereinigung der Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker in der Schweiz VKKS zeichnet den kunsthistorischen Nachwuchs mit jährlich zwei Förderpreisen aus.
  • Gebert Rüf Stiftung – First Ventures


    With «First Ventures» Gebert Rüf Stiftung promotes bachelor’s and master’s students of universities of applied sciences UAS who are developing an innovative business idea during their studies.
  • Gebert Rüf Stiftung – InnoBooster


    Gebert Rüf Stiftung supports university-based, high-potential businesses from its Venture Kick programme with the aim of substantially accelerating their market entry.
  • Gebert Rüf Stiftung – Scientainment


    With its funding programme, Gebert Rüf Stiftung aims to encourage science communicators, associations and institutions from the fields of education, research and culture to test new approaches, forms and models of low-threshold science communication that succeed in addressing particularly hard-to-reach target groups with content from science, research and innovation.
  • Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung


    Die Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung konzentriert sich aktuell und bis auf Weiteres grundsätzlich auf die Förderung der Bildenden Künste.
  • SATW – Germaine de Staël Programm


    The "Germaine de Staël" programme promotes bilateral research cooperation between Switzerland and France.
  • Call Switzerland – South Korea


    Swiss and South Korean participants are invited to submit proposals for joint projects in the research and development of innovative applications and products with strong commercial potential in Switzerland and South Korea.
  • Fondation suisse / Pavillon Le Corbusier


    On behalf of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, swissuniversities manages the secretariat of the Fondation Suisse selection committee.

    The Fondation suisse enables students, doctoral students and researchers with Swiss nationality or with a C-residence permit to reside at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CIUP) for the duration of one semester or one year (with the possibility of renewal).

  • Dr. Georg und Josi Guggenheim-Stiftung


    Die Mittel der Stiftung werden karitativen und der Kunstförderung dienenden Zwecken zugeführt.
  • SNSF/Innosuisse – BRIDGE Proof of Concept


    BRIDGE Proof of Concept helps young researchers to apply their research results and gain the confidence needed to make a market entry. The projects may target innovations of all kinds from all research areas.
  • Collegium Helveticum – Senior Fellowship


    The fellowship program at the Collegium is open to academics and artists of all backgrounds and disciplines.
  • Design Prize Schweiz 2025


    Design Prize Schweiz is looking for outstanding projects, innovative ideas, and best practices that represent the diversity and excellence of the Swiss design industry.
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kulturgüterschutz – Förderpreis


    Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kulturgüterschutz vergibt jährlich ein Kulturgüterschutz-Förderpreis.
  • Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation


    The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation supports projects in the fields of culture, education, humanitarian aid and medical research. The Foundation aims to improve people’s quality of life and promote mutual cultural understanding.
  • Schindler Kulturstiftung

    Die Stiftung fördert kulturelle und kulturell-wissenschaftliche Arbeiten von Nidwaldner Kantonseinwohnern und von auswärts wohnenden Nidwaldner Bürgern. Sei dies im Sinne von finanzieller Unterstützung des Schaffens, durch Verleihung von Anerkennungspreisen und Ankauf von Werken.


    • Förderung des kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Schaffens durch finanzielle Unterstützung.
    • Zuwendungen an etablierte wiederkehrende Ereigniss oder bewährte Kunstschaffende, Wissenschaftler usw. in Form von Auszeichnungen oder Anerkennungspreisen.
    • Ankauf von kulturellen und kultur-wissenschaftlichen Werken oder Auftragserteilung für solche; Stipendien, Finanzierung bzw. Subventionierung von Wettbewerben und Ausstellungen.

    Gesuchsunterlagen sind schriftlich mindestens 20 Tage vor dem Sitzungstermin des Stiftungsrats einzureichen.

    Next submission deadlines:

    • 2025-07-26
    • / 2025-10-24
    All disciplines, Regional focus
    Types of funding
    Projects, Publications
    Research categories
    Basic research, Use-inspired basic research
    Career levels
    BA, Established researchers, MA, MA with several years research experience, PhD students, Researchers with a doctoral degree, Researchers with postdoctoral experience
  • Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizerischen Mobiliar Genossenschaft


    Die Stiftung vergibt finanzielle Beiträge an Institutionen oder Einzelpersonen, die in der Schweiz in den Bereichen Wissenschaft und Forschung, künstlerische Projekte und Kulturpflege tätig sind. Ein Gesuch zu stellen, steht jedermann offen.
  • SNSF – Postdoc.Mobility


    ​Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers who have done a doctorate and who wish to pursue an academic career in Switzerland. A research stay abroad enables such researchers to acquire more in-depth knowledge, increases their scientific independence and enhances their research profile.
  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grants


    Grants for doing research in the USA for the academic year 2024-2025.
  • Fulbright Foreign Student Program


    Grants for studying in the USA for the academic year 2025-2026.
  • SNSF – Agora


    The Agora scheme aims to foster dialogue between scientists and society. It encourages researchers to communicate their current research to an audience of lay people. Agora projects have to initiate a dialogue between researchers and the public in which they interact and listen to each other.
  • Pro Helvetia – Synergies


    Support for projects at the intersection of art and digital technologies with a focus on knowledge exchange and fostering long-term partnerships
  • Rosa Luxemburg Doctoral Scholarship


    Um ein Promotionsstipendium können sich in- und ausländische Promovierende aller Fachrichtungen (Ausnahme: medizinische Fachrichtungen) bewerben.


    Interested researchers are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal advancement of knowledge and development in Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.
  • SNSF – Ambizione


    Ambizione grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution. The scheme supports young researchers both from Switzerland and abroad. Scientists holding non-professorial academic positions at higher education institutions are also eligible to submit an application.


    The Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams promotes team-oriented cross-border research.
  • Körber Stiftung – Deutscher Studienpreis


    Studienpreis für exzellente Dissertationen von besonderer gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung
  • SNSF Starting Grants


    The SNSF Starting Grants 2026 target researchers who wanted to apply for a 2026 ERC Starting Grant or for an SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship.
  • Cassinelli-Vogel-Stiftung


    Die Stiftung bezweckt die Unterstützung sozialer, wissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Gesuchstellender und Projekte im Kanton Zürich mit in der Regel einmaligen Beiträgen, soweit nicht öffentliche Mittel zur Verfügung stehen.
  • Ernst Göhner Stiftung


    Im Bereich Wissenschaft und Forschung berücksichtigt die Ernst Göhner Stiftung prinzipiell alle Disziplinen. Forschungsprojekte sollen einem strategischen Forschungsschwerpunkt der jeweiligen Hochschule entsprechen.
  • Venture Kick


    Venture Kick is a philanthropic three stage funding model initiated to support Swiss startups with enough funding to kick-start their entrepreneurial success. Startups can qualify to receive up to CHF 150,000 in start capital. After each stage, promising entrepreneurs are also offered professional guidance in developing their business through the 2-day kickers camps and connection to an incredible network.
  • Hans-Eggenberger-Stiftung


    Die Hans-Eggenberger-Stiftung fördert konkrete, in sich geschlossene und auf eine breite nachhaltige Wirkung angelegte Einzelprojekte durch finanzielle Zuwendungen.
  • SNSF – Open Access Publications


    Covering the costs of scientific open access publications.
  • SAGW – Reisebeiträge


    Zur Förderung der Kommunikation und des Austausches von Forschungsergebnissen im internationalen Kontext richtet die SAGW an den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (bis 38. Lebensjahr) und an Personen, die schweizerische Organisationen in internationalen Dachverbänden vertreten, auf ein begründetes Gesuch hin Reisekostenbeiträge aus.
  • Andrea von Braun Stiftung


    The foundation promotes activities, projects and research that are interdisciplinary, serve the goal of sustainability in ecological borderlands and are characterised to a high degree by practical feasibility.
  • Christoph Merian Stiftung


    Hauptzweck und Hauptaufgabe der Christoph Merian Stiftung (CMS) sind die «Linderung der Noth und des Unglückes» und die «Förderung des Wohles der Menschen». Die CMS verpflichtet sich überdies, ihre Fördertätigkeit auf die Stadt Basel zu beschränken.
  • Georges und Jenny Bloch-Stiftung


    Förderung von Kunst und Wissenschaft, Unterstützung von Bedürftigen, Behinderten und Kranken jeden Alters, Schulung und Ausbildung unbemittelter Jugendlicher durch Entrichtung von Beiträgen.
  • Hasler Stiftung – Open Support – Small Projects


    The Hasler Foundation mainly supports educational, research and innovation projects where the aim is to promote the further development of information and communications technology (ICT)
  • Hasler Stiftung – Open Support – Standard Projects


    Even though the scientific committee of the Hasler Foundation has cancelled the standard projects per October 2016, in exceptional cases it will remain possible to submit proposals for research projects exceeding the sum of CHF 50,000.00. Please contact the Hasler Stiftung prior to submitting your application.
  • SNSF – Scientific Exchanges


    Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to host their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues in another country.
  • Otto Gamma Stiftung


    Zuwendungen an schweizerische, soziale, gemeinnützige und kulturelle Institutionen zu je einem Drittel im Kanton Uri, im Kanton Zürich und in der übrigen Schweiz.
  • Stiftung für fliessenden Kunstverkehr


    Die Stifttung fördert die interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der bildenden Kunst, welche sich der Öffentlichkeit und insbesondere dem öffentlichen Raum annimmt. Dazu soll insbesondere mit der Errichtung eines Gebäudes (Passagenhaus), sowie dessen schrittweiser räumlicher und inhaltlicher Erweiterung und Verdichtung eine geeignete Infrastruktur bereitgestellt werden.
  • UBS Culture Foundation


    UBS Culture Foundation is engaging in promoting cultural life and the arts, the exchange between artists and wider society, and advancing the diversity of cultural expression. In particular, the foundation supports the creation, dissemination and mediation of contemporary art and culture in Switzerland.
  • Volkart Foundation


    The Volkart Foundation supports institutions and artists involved in film and photography. It sponsors projects that tackle issues which are socially relevant and gives preference to projects that demonstrate an innovative approach in terms of form or content.
  • Innosuisse – Innovation Project with Implementation Partner


    Innosuisse financially supports science-based innovation projects conducted by industrial partners and private and public institutions jointly with a research partner in all subject areas. Develop new types of products, services or processes together.
  • Humboldt Research Fellowship


    Through the Humboldt Research Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors postdoctoral and experienced researchers with above-average qualifications from across the globe. Fellows benefit from individual support from the Humboldt Foundation and its diverse sponsorship portfolio.
  • Kantonale Lotteriefonds


    Die Swisslos-, Lotterie- und Sportfonds der Deutschschweizer Kantone und des Kantons Tessin unterstützen mit den Lotterieerträgen jährlich weit über 17'000 Projekte in den Bereichen Kultur, Sport, Umwelt und Soziales. Sie bestimmen gemäss ihren Vorgaben, welche Projekte in welchem Umfang unterstützt werden können.
  • wemakeit – Science Booster


    The crowdfunding platform «wemakeit» offers with its Science Booster channel young and innovative scientists the opportunity to formulate their first scientific ideas and explain them to a wider audience. This initiative on Switzerland’s largest crowdfunding platform was supported by the Gebert Rüf Stiftung. An unconventional support for innovative research ideas.

    Over the past 4 years, the Science Booster channel has helped raise over 1 million Swiss francs for science projects. Because science can and should be communicated with a lay audience, and all citizen should be involved.

  • Horizon Europe


    The European Union’s (EU) 9th Framework Programme, Horizon Europe, runs from 2021 to 2027. It is the largest research and innovation funding programme in the world and the most ambitious such programme in the history of the EU so far.
  • Wissenschaftsverbund Vierländerregion Bodensee EVTZmbH (WIR)


    Wissenschaft fördern, Grenzen überwinden, Gesellschaft gestalten
  • Ulrico Hoepli Stiftung


    Die Ulrico Hoepli-Stiftung engagiert sich für die kulturellen Werte der Schweiz. Der Zweck der Stiftung ist die Unterstützung gemeinnütziger, wissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Institutionen und Bestrebungen in der Schweiz.
  • Beyond Foundation


    The Beyond Foundation supports music projects at home and abroad, building bridges between cultures and religions and protecting traditional music from extinction. It promotes projects in research and education to strengthen consciousness and spiritual growth.
  • Goethe – Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaft


    Förderung der Kunst und Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher Bestrebungen.
  • Hasler Stiftung – Event support


    The Hasler Foundation can provide support worth up to CHF 10,000 for hosting events, publishing research results etc.
  • Pro Helvetia – «Kunst+: Thematische Veranstaltung»


    Kulturinstitutionen und -organisationen in der Schweiz können neu das ganze Jahr über Gesuche einreichen unter «Kunst+: Thematische Veranstaltung».
  • Pro Helvetia – Weltweite Recherchereise


    Zwei- bis vierwöchige Recherchereise weltweit (Reiseziele ausserhalb des Zuständigkeitsbereichs der Verbindungsbüros von Pro Helvetia).
  • Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists for the Academic Year 2023-2024


    Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).
  • Innosuisse – Innovation Project without Implementation Partner


    Innosuisse funds innovation projects of researchers who have come across an innovative idea with great market potential in the course of their research work, but have not yet found a partner for the implementation on the market. Innosuisse particularly supports high-risk projects with strong innovation potential.
  • Innosuisse – Innovation Cheque


    Voucher for prelimanry studies. Innosuisse’s innovation cheque allows SMEs to trial working with research partners and test the feasibility of their idea.
  • Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne


    Ziel und Zweck der Stiftung ist es, weltweit institutionelle, professionelle Projekte aus den Bereichen Bildende Kunst, Musik und Kulturelle Bildung zu fördern.
  • Beisheim Stiftung


    Die Beisheim Stiftung fördert Projekte für junge und ältere Menschen in den Bereichen Bildung, Gesundheit, Kultur und Sport.
  • Allegro Stiftung


    Förderung der Musik im In- und Ausland, wobei die Förderung direkt oder indirekt auf dem Wege der Unterstützung von Institutionen mit gleichartiger Zweckrichtung erfolgen kann.
  • Allianz Foundation


    The Allianz Foundation supports initiatives with a focus on civil society, the environment, culture and the arts. We have a particular focus on projects working at the interface of these areas and aiming for systemic change. Regular calls on specific topic areas are published  on our website. The Allianz Foundation Board of Trustees decides on the allocation of funds, based on the recommendation of expert juries.

  • Hamasil Stiftung


    für eine zukunftsfähige Entwicklung


    DROSOS FOUNDATION is committed to unlocking the potential of young people.
  • BAK – Förderung Kulturelle Teilhabe: Grundlagen und Vernetzung


    Das Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK) unterstützt Vorhaben im Bereich Grundlagen und Vernetzung der kulturellen Teilhabe. Ziel ist, die Vernetzung, den Wissensaustausch und die Koordination der Akteure, die sich für die Stärkung der kulturellen Teilhabe einsetzen, zu stärken sowie die Wissensgrundlagen auszubauen.
  • BAK – Gesuche zur Stärkung der kulturellen Teilhabe


    Das Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK) unterstützt Vorhaben zur Stärkung der kulturellen Teilhaben. Ziel ist, die Auseinandersetzung mit Kultur und die kulturelle Betätigung möglichst vieler zu fördern sowie Hindernisse in Bezug auf die Teilhabe am kulturellen Leben abzubauen.
  • BAK – Förderung der musikalischen Bildung


    Das Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK) unterstützt Vorhaben der musikalischen Bildung. Die Förderung hat zum Ziel, Kinder und Jugendliche beim Erwerb und bei der Entwicklung ihrer musikalischen Kompetenzen im ausserschulischen Bereich zu unterstützen.
  • AVINA Stiftung


    Foundation for the Food of Tomorrow

    AVINA ist eine unabhängige Schweizer Förderstiftung, die sich darauf konzentriert den Mensch und die Erde auf eine zirkuläre und ausgewogene Weise zu ernähren. Als Plattform für innovative Köpfe und zukunftsweisende Ideen wollen wir eine nachhaltige Veränderung des Nahrungsmittelsystems bewirken.

  • Leister Foundation


    The Leister Foundation is committed to upholding its objectives by supporting art, culture, education and science.
  • Curti Stiftung


    CURTI STIFTUNG fördert schöpferische, forschende und ausbildnerischer Tätigkeiten auf dem Gebiet von Kultur sowie zur Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung von historisch, architektonisch oder anderweitig kulturell bedeutsamen Liegenschaften in der Schweiz.
  • SNSF – Multilateral Academic Projects (MAPS)


    The initiative MAPS supports collaborative research projects between scientists based in Switzerland and their colleagues in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania.
  • VolkswagenStiftung


    The Foundation supports future-oriented topics with funding offers.
  • S+T+ARTS Residencies


    S+T+ARTS is a platform that aims to link technology and artistic practice more closely.

    It is implemented by European policy to promote innovations that also benefit the art world. It supports collaboration between artists, scientists, engineers and researchers to develop more creative, inclusive and sustainable technologies, and focuses on people and projects that help address the social, environmental and economic challenges with which the European continent is confronted.

  • Pro Helvetia – Ausstellung und Wissensaustausch


    Thematische Gruppenausstellungen und Wissensaustausch an öffentlich zugänglichen Fachveranstaltungen (Symposien, Round-Tables, etc.) im Ausland.
  • Innosuisse – Innovation Booster


    Co-create with other stakeholders. Develop radical ideas in an open and collaborative dialogue that can then be tested in practice
  • SAGW – Early Career Award


    Der Early Career Award der SAGW ist dem akademischen Nachwuchs der Schweiz gewidmet. Mit dem Preis werden junge Forscherinnen und Forscher der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften für die Qualität eines Artikels ausgezeichnet, der in einer wissenschaftlichen Publikation veröffentlicht wurde.
  • SNSF – Spark


    Rapid funding of unconventional ideas.
  • Migros – Kulturprozent – Story Lab


    The Story Lab of the Migros Culture Percentage is a laboratory for all audiovisual narrative formats, from cinema films and series to virtual reality and games. The support provided is focused on turning ideas into a reality. We support projects during the content development phase with flexible modules that are continuously adapted to changes in the film industry – these modules include financial support, coaching and networking.

    Dates 2025

  • Leading House Asia – Research Partnership Grants 2023


    Research Partnership Grants support the deepening of an existing partnership through a joint research project or activities in the field of education.
  • Leading House Asia – Opportunity Grants 2022


    The opportunity grants support bottom-​up initiatives of researchers from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education, and public research institutes, linked to specific events or incidents in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea and member states of ASEAN (hereafter called partner countries).
  • Leading House Asia – Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme with South Korea


    The instrument funds 3-​month research stays in the partner country. Switzerland-​based researchers can apply to ETH Zurich for a stay in South Korea and South Korean researchers to the NRF for a stay in Switzerland.
  • Leading House Asia – Japanese-Swiss Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme


    The instrument funds research stays of 3–6 months in the partner country. Switzerland-​based researchers can apply to ETH Zurich for a stay in Japan and Japanese researchers to JSPS for a stay in Switzerland
  • Leading House South Asia and Iran – Academia-Industry Training (AIT) India 2023


    The program is tailored for postgraduates and scientists of both Swiss Universities and Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences with an applied project and growth opportunities in India – to discover the potential of their early-stage startup.
  • Clima Now Spotlight 24 – Rethinking the Impact of Art


    Climate ARTivists Wanted!
  • Willy-Bretscher-Fellowships


    Die Zentralbibliothek Zürich fördert mit Willy-Bretscher-Fellowships Forschende, die in ihrem Vorhaben einen Digital-Humanities-Ansatz verfolgen, einen zeitlichen Schwerpunkt im 20. Jahrhundert setzen und sich auf Bestände oder Daten der Zentralbibliothek Zürich stützen.
  • Eurostars Calls 2024


    Innovation projects of innovative Swiss SMEs with international partner.
  • JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan


    Are you interested in taking your research to Japan and working with leading groups in Japanese universities and other institutions?
  • SNSF – Advanced Grants


    Grants for leading researchers
  • SNSF – Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF)


    Grants for early career researchers who want to have an expert scientific training and to develop their academic career in Switzerland.
  • Leading House South Asia and Iran – Research Partnership Grants


    Research Partnership Grants aim to offer support to Swiss researchers who are interested in entering into research collaborations with institutional partners located in any of the nine countries that fall within the mandate region of this Leading House: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
  • Mariann Steegmann Foundation


    Die Stiftung dient der Förderung von Frauen in Musik und Kunst. Sie fördert Projekte, die eine wissenschaftliche Relevanz besitzen und die der Information/Arbeit über Frauen in der Kultur, der Genderforschung im musikalischen Bereich und der Qualifikation von Akademikerinnen im musikwissenschaftlichen und- pädagogischen Bereich dienen.
  • Schweizer Designwettbewerb


    Die Ausschreibung Schweizer Designwettbewerb 2025 ist online.
  • Leading House for the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) – RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP GRANTS 2023


    The Research Partnershiip Grants aim at developing new joint project proposals or connecting already existing and independently funded projects in Switzerland and in the MENA partner countries into long-lasting cooperation.

    The goal of this instrument is to allow researchers to conduct desk work, field research or laboratory feasibility studies, in order to apply for grants from other funding agencies (e.g. national funding agencies or EU funding schemes), and/or to develop long-term partnerships between two institutions or research

  • S+T+Arts – Prize’ 25


    Grand prize of the European Commission honoring innovation in technology, industry and society stimulated by the arts
  • Collegium Helveticum – Early-Career Fellowships


    Early-Career Fellows are early-career researchers working in academic or artistic disciplines at postdoc or equivalent level (in the case of art school graduates). The Collegium Helveticum welcomes applicants from an international context as well as scholars and artists with a background in the Collegium Helveticum’s funding institutions, ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and the Zurich University of the Arts.


  • Switzerland – Brazil Call 2024


    Participants from Switzerland and Brazil are invited to submit joint project proposals for research and development of innovative products and applications with a strong market potential in Switzerland and Brazil.
  • The Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) programme


    The SOR4D programme supports transdisciplinary research in collaboration with developing countries. It will run from 2022 to 2026.

    The SNSF and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) are launching the new Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) programme. New insights and innovative approaches are needed to reduce poverty and to implement the 2030 Agenda in developing countries. Joint efforts by international transdisciplinary research partnerships can make a difference.

  • Leading House Asia – Internship Positions In Thailand


    The Leading House Asia has launched a Call for Internship Positions in Thailand.
  • SNSF/Innosuisse – BRIDGE Proof of Concept: Call 2023 for BSc & MSc graduates


    BRIDGE Proof of Concept is aimed at young researchers who wish to develop an application or service based on their research results. These projects can target innovations of all kinds in all research areas.
  • Leading House Asia – Internship Positions In South Korea


    The programme supports the internships with small scholarships to cover travel (max. CHF 2000 for return flight) and living allowance (CHF 1250/month or CHF 1750/month depending on whether accommodation is provided). The companies provide lunch meals and depending on the position local transportation
  • Kultur Labor Zürich


    With the pilot project «Arts for Future» Stadt Zürich Kultur supports cultural projects that address the topics of climate change and sustainability in a transdisciplinary way.
  • Leading House Asia – Innovation Partnership Grants


    'Innovation Partnership Grants' support the establishment of a cooperation between Switzerland-​based researchers with non-​academic innovation agents in East and Southeast Asia. These agents can be corporates, SMEs or start-​ups, innovation parks or similar entities with a focus on applied sciences or technical development. The goal of the innovation partnership grants is to initiate long-​term partnerships with mutually beneficial concrete outcomes.
  • Leading House America – Consolidation Grants 2022


    The aim of the Consolidation Grant (COG) is to encourage more advanced, solid projects filling in the gap between smaller instruments and the SNSF bigger calls
  • Swarovski Foundation – Creatives for our Future 2025


    A global mentorship and grant program designed with advisor the United Nations Office for Partnerships to identify and accelerate the next generation of creative leaders in sustainability.
  • Leading House Asia – Research Partnership Grants ASEAN


    The Research Partnership Grants ASEAN aim at encouraging Switzerland-​​based scientists to start new collaborations in the ASEAN region.
  • Swissnex – K2A Mobility Grants


    The K2A mobility grants for early career researchers and senior researchers seek to contribute to this aim by facilitating South-South, South-North and North-South exchanges. By this, it aims to promote knowledge circulation through exchanges between the Cluster of Cooperation (CLOC) partner organisations in South Asia and Switzerland.
  • Julius Baer Foundation


    At the Julius Baer Foundation we pursue two paths towards a better world: reducing Wealth Inequality in our society and finding alternative Solutions Replacing Plastics on our planet.
  • re-source / Sustainability in the Arts


    Call 2023 – Förderprogramm für Projekte im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit für Angehörige der ZHdK.
  • Velux Stiftung


    The foundation perpetuates innovative research that tackles the complex challenges we face as a society with an interdisciplinary approach. The foundation believes that combining different perspectives opens new horizons of possibilities.
  • BAK – Förderung des Immateriellen Kulturerbes 2022


    Das Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK) unterstützt Projekte zur Bewahrung des immateriellen Kulturerbes.
  • BAK – Unterstützung kultureller Anlässe und Projekte für ein breites Publikum 2025


    Das Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK) unterstützt kulturelle Anlässe und Projekte mit dem Ziel, Vorhaben zu fördern, welche einem breiten Publikum die Auseinandersetzung mit kulturellen Ausdrucksformen ermöglichen.
  • Leading House Asia – Academia-Industry Training (AIT) Singapore 2023


    The AIT Singapore program, enabled by the Leading House Asia at ETH Zurich, aims to support scientists in transforming their applied research into market application and discovering their entrepreneurial potential. By connecting scientists from Switzerland and Singapore, the program promotes an international network and offers exposure to a vibrant and innovative ecosystem in the center of Southeast Asia.
  • Leading House for the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) – Joint Calls for Projects Morocco-Switzerland


    The call aims at strengthening the collaboration between Swiss and Moroccan institutions by allocating seed money funding to pilot projects.
  • Leading House Africa – Research Partnership Grant II


    The goal of this instrument is to further develop, consolidate and expand relations and foster new collaborations between Swiss researchers and partners in Africa

    Leading House Africa is calling for applications for Research Partnership Grant II from researchers with a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years postdoctoral experience affiliated with a Swiss Institution of Higher Education.

  • JRPs – South Korean-Swiss Science and Technology Programme


    Collaborative projects with clearly defined goals, involving at least one partner based in Switzerland and one based in South Korea.
  • Istituto Svizzero – Residency Programmes


    Residencies programmes in Italy
  • Max Kohler Stiftung


    The foundation supports efforts that use the arts as a transformational force and are distinguished by their high level of quality, professionalism and the passionate dedication of those in charge.

    The Max Kohler Stiftung makes grants primarily in Switzerland and generally chooses to support established partners who have a proven track record and are able to achieve their goals in a sustainable way.

  • Innosuisse – Flagship Initiative Call 2024


    Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences with a Focus on Human Health
  • Swissnex – Impact Sabbatical: Health & Well-Being


    Impact Sabbatical for Swiss Researchers, Professors, and Lecturers in San Francisco in Summer 2023
  • CIRCE – European Fellowship Program for Researchers and Creatives


    Through a fellowship program for researchers and creatives, CIRCE supports creative and innovative approaches to solving society's most pressing challenges.
  • Leading House America – Research Partnership Grants 2023


    The aim of this grant is to strengthen or initiate a scientific exchange between Swiss and Latin American researchers and institutions by enabling them to jointly undertake preliminary research and organize meetings, conferences, or workshops.
  • ZHdK – Innovatives Publizieren in Open Access


    Das swissuniversities-geförderte Projekt Open Science for Arts, Design and Music (OS-ADM) (2022-2024) unterstützt Forschende und Lehrende in den Künsten, im Design und in der Musik bei der Produktion und Publikation offener Inhalte.
  • Belmont Forum –  Tropical Forests


    The SNSF takes part in the third call for proposals, also known as a Collaborative Research Action (CRA), announced by the Belmont Forum for 2024: Tropical Forests. This call supports research projects developing innovative solutions to address challenges faced in tropical forest regions.
  • Leading House for the Middle East and North Afric (MENA) – Consolidation Grants 2023


    This instrument aims to encourage more advanced, solid projects between Switzerland and the MENA region. The impulse for the Consolidation Grants proposals should come from previous collaborations between the Swiss and the MENA applicants, with the goal to evolve and deepen those partnerships.

    The objective of this instrument is to allow researchers to conduct fieldwork, laboratory feasiblility studies, or to organise conferences and workshops.

  • DIZH – Founder Call


    With this call type, the innovation program supports market-, society- or culture-related entrepreneurial projects in the context of digital transformation.

    The Founder Call is intended to contribute to the creation of spin-offs and start-ups in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors by employees and students of the partner universities.

  • SNSF/T-AP – Democracy, Governance and Trust


    The SNSF is participating in the multilateral call for proposals “Democracy, Governance and Trust” (DGT). The focus: how are these three aspects integral to tackling both short-term crises and long-term challenges?

    The Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities is an unprecedented collaboration between humanities and social sciences research funders from South America, North America and Europe. T-AP aims to enhance the ability of funders, research organisations and researchers to engage in transnational dialogue and collaboration. The present call is focused on Democracy, Governance and Trust (DGT).

  • Leading House Africa – Consolidation Grant


    To further develop, consolidate and expand relations and foster new collaborations between Swiss researchers and partners in Africa.
  • DIZH – Outreach Call


    The basic idea of the Outreach Call is both to make the impact of digital innovations visible within the framework of DIZH and to promote an engaged and critical discourse on the effects of this impact in the sense of networking across different stakeholder groups.

    On the one hand, this includes, for example, opening up new ways of exploiting such innovations or linking developed products, services or practices with the activities of other organizations, specific target groups or the public. On the other hand, this includes promoting dialog and knowledge transfer between society, culture, politics, administration and business on topics of digital transformation. 

  • DIZH – Projekt-Call


    Das Innovationsprogramm der DIZH unterstützt mit dem Format der Projekt-Calls die Bearbeitung spezifischer Fragestellungen in Form von disziplin- und hochschulübergreifenden Projekten.

    Projekt-Calls sind grundsätzlich auf zukunftsweisende Lösungen für relevante praktische Fragestellungen und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen ausgerichtet. Dies schliesst explizit die Möglichkeit zur Bearbeitung neuartiger, risikobehafteter Fragestellungen mit ein, für welche der Weg zur Umsetzung oder der Messung des Impacts mit einiger Unsicherheit behaftet ist. 

  • Leading House Asia – Applied Research Partnership Grants


    A one-time only, special call focusing on applied research.
  • SNSF – Projects on health and wellbeing


    Only for researchers at universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education
  • Hong Kong Baptist University – PhD Fellowship Scheme


    HKBU is widely recognised for its distinctive education and quality research. Building success upon our caring, creative and global culture, we promote research execellence by offering research-enriched and creative curricula where diverse communities of learners work in world-class facilities and engage openly. Rooted in liberal arts ethos and trandisciplinary inquiries, the School of Creative Arts leverages the rich genealogy of the Academy of Film, Academy of Music and Academy of Visual Arts to interrogate the infinite acts of human creativity, reassess the roles of arts in our time, and invent new artisitc opportunities for the future.
  • ERA4Health – Modulation of brain ageing


    The SNSF is participating in the European Partnership ERA4Health call. The topic is modulation of brain ageing through nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Swiss-based researchers can apply
  • Pro Helvetia / Ars Electronica – ArTS Production Grant


    The ArTS Production Grant fosters artistic creation at the nexus of ArTS (Art, Technology, Society). How can we become more human?
  • Pro Helvetia / Hangar – Art and Technology residency


    A three-month hybrid program at Hangar, centre for art research and production in Barcelona, in cooperation with Pro Helvetia.
  • IraSME – Call 2023


    Funding opportunities for cooperation between Swiss and German companies and research institutions.
  • WIR_Innovative Dialog-Formate zur Verankerung von Lösungen für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt


    Der Wissenschaftsverbund Vierländerregion Bodenseeregion (WIR) fördert mit seinem Programm “Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt” Dialog-Projekte, die den Austausch, die Vernetzung und die grenz- sowie sektorenübergreifende Kollaboration stärken.
  • DIZH-Innovationsprogramm 4. Projekt-Call


    Das Innovationsprogramm der Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen (DIZH) unterstützt mit dem Format der Projekt-Calls die Bearbeitung spezifischer Fragestellungen in Form von disziplin- und hochschulübergreifenden Projekten.

    Projekt-Calls sind grundsätzlich auf zukunftsweisende Lösungen für praxisrelevante Fragestellungen und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen ausgerichtet. Dies schliesst explizit die Möglichkeit zur Bearbeitung neuartiger, risikobehafteter Fragestellungen mit ein, für welche der Weg zur Umsetzung oder der Messung des Impacts mit einiger Unsicherheit behaftet ist.

    Ziel des Projekt-Calls der DIZH ist es, Projekte zu fördern, welche unterschiedliche Formen der Kooperation zwischen den beteiligten Hochschulen mit Praxispartnern in den Vordergrund stellen. Es stehen Projektmittel von ca. 3,3 Mio. CHF zur Verfügung. Für die Projekte mit einer Laufzeit von 1 bis 3 Jahren können zwischen 100’000 und 300’000 CHF an Mitteln aus dem DIZH-Sonderkredit beansprucht werden. Die Projekte sind innerhalb von 6 Monaten nach Zusprache zu starten.

  • SNIS – Swiss Network for International Studies Annual Call for Projects 2025


    Innovative research easy access
  • Driving Urban Transitions: call for European projects


    The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) European partnership is launching a third call for proposals, in which researchers based in Switzerland can take part
  • Pro Helvetia – «Kunst+: Transdisziplinäre kollaborative Kreation»


    Angepasstes Förderformat, gemäss Kulturbotschaft 2025 – 2028. «Kunst+: Transdisziplinäre kollaborative Kreation» ersetzt den «Kunst+: Produktionsbeitrag».

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