Design Prize Schweiz is looking for outstanding projects, innovative ideas, and best practices that represent the diversity and excellence of the Swiss design industry.
The competition is geared towards Swiss people working in the design industry, companies, institutions and manufacturers who work here or abroad. Foreign designers, who work, study or are employed by a Swiss company can also enter.
There will be prizes for products, projects, services and concepts from all the design disciplines which are relevant to business. Research projects and dissertations can also enter the competition.
Seven disciplines, including the newly redefined category «Inclusive Design» in cooperation with the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation. The Prize ist for existing projects and also new ideas that can be developed to market readiness!
- Circular Design
- Food Design
- Furniture Design
- Inclusive Design
- Interior Design
- Product Design
- Young Professionals
In addition to the regular competition entries, the experts also actively nominate in the award categories Circular Design and Food Design.